FEATURE: Jayde Krippner - Amazing Photographer Behind Kuwi's Kitchen



We are so lucky to have immense talent right on our doorstep (literally)! Jayde Krippner is based downstairs from our studio, where she and her husband, Ian, run an awesome boutique gift and photography store – The Mirrorbox. Jayde is an amazing photographer with a passion for creativity; you only need a second in their shop to see that creativity in action.

When the concept for Kuwi’s Kitchen was first drafted, we approached Jayde to see if she might be keen to do the photography. With much excitement and enthusiasm, she said, "YES!".  It meant many trips up and down the stairs (for all of us), conceptualising and creating each image over the course of six months.

Collaborating with Jayde was a treat, and we are so stoked to have our neighbour/photographer on hand for lots of rad projects in the future.



Name: Jayde Krippner

Day Job: Owner of The Mirrorbox, a boutique giftware and photography shop in Te Awamutu.

Did you study? If so, what did you study and why? 
Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in Photomedia. A fancy way of saying I studied photography at uni :) I actually got halfway through another degree in a much safer industry and was doing well, but just didn't love it. I decided if I was going to be doing something for the rest of my life, it should definitely be something I loved doing, so I took the plunge! As well as photography, I got to learn all sorts of other art disciplines, and I feel like they all helped me expand my creativity. I absolutely loved it.

What’s your favourite part of the day and why?
I'm a total night owl, so night time! It's when I feel the most relaxed and creative. 

Why do you do what you do? And what motivates you?
Honestly... it's just a lot of fun! You get to meet new people, and I enjoy everything about the photographic process, from coming up with the ideas for different shoots, to finessing them in the editing.  

As a child, what did you want to do/be when you grew up?
A Wildlife Park Ranger. Living in Australia though, I quickly realised that would mean dealing with snakes and spiders, and I chickened out. 

Random talent.
I can play the ukulele!

How would you explain your job to a 5yr old?
I take photos of all sorts of people and things, and run a shop!

What is your latest obsession?
Legion! The visuals are spectacular!

Name a hobby you had in the past, one you have now and one you would like to pursue in the future.
Honestly, the only hobby I've ever managed to stick with is Photography. As a kid, I remember trying singing, dancing, drama, ballet, bass guitar, karate... the list goes on. I eventually started playing with "toy" cameras (plastic film cameras like the Diana and the Holga) and making my own matchbox pinhole cameras, and that became my obsession. I began collecting vintage cameras I found on eBay, and have a pretty sizeable collection now. So my past hobby became a current profession and let's hope it stays that way in the future!   

What’s the weirdest thing you have eaten?
I'm not a super adventurous eater but at a bush tucker festival I went to, in kindergarten, I have very vivid memories of finding out the meat I was chomping on was Kangaroo. I wasn't thrilled.

What does your ideal working environment consist of?
A quiet room in the evening, either with headphones and some music – with limited words so I don't concentrate on them too much and get distracted (electro-swing music works well!), or casually re-watching something easy to watch on a separate screen (The Office, Parks and Recreation, or Arrested Development are firm favourites). 

If the animal kingdom ever rises up and takes over, which animal would take your job and why?
It would have to be someone in the Chimp family! Gotta have those opposable thumbs, plus I feel like it would be impossible not to smile at a chimpanzee holding a camera. 

What was your favourite picture book as a child?
I was always really into long stories, so The Magic Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton were perfect. The vintage illustrations are absolutely gorgeous.

Name three songs you know all of the lyrics to.
Bohemian Rhapsody, Graceland, Walk the Line.

What is the dumbest way you have been injured?
OH my goodness... there are so many. I generally lack coordination and manage to fall over/trip/walk into things far too often. The worst part is they never have very good stories. A couple years ago I broke my leg just walking home and falling down! People kept asking what happened, and I want to tell them I broke it skiing or rescuing a kitten. Instead, all I had to offer was that I was walking home and fell over. 

Which Kiwicorn personality do you most identify with?
I love all the incarnations of Kiwicorn, but probably Gentle Kiwicorn making a daisy chain. 

Which Kuwi's Kitchen recipe is your favourite?
I was lucky enough to get to sample a few bits and pieces during the shoot, and the banana pancakes were soooo good! Yummy, healthy, and really easy to make! The trifecta! 
